Sometimes things are just meant to be...
After losing Luna this year I felt as though I'd lost my shadow... even though my other woofs were here, they weren't her.
I went through every emotion possible and every irrational thought process, even looking at rescue Rommy Dogs who looked like her....but ultimately, I knew, they wouldn't be her. She was gone...and it broke my heart.
I didn't want another dog..After losing Lu, the dynamics between the girls were all over the place. Nessie still needs alot of training thanks to lockdown limiting her life experiences. I definitely didn't want another collie...
Then a friend mentioned that she had a little girl in a litter who would be perfect for me...a cavapoochon. Well I just laughed. Me..and a cavapoochon, a small dog was laughable. I was a collie girl.
However, the idea grew on me and I decided to go and meet her. I've always had collies, and despite training hundreds of smaller dogs...I've never owned one, and my gosh when I went to see them....I've never seen puppies so small.
Well the momemt I saw her, our fate was sealed and two weeks later I picked her up and here she is..
